Key Takeaways from Outwitting the Devil

This book provides the keys for each of us to outwit the Devil in our own lives. It shows us how to chart a course for success and to add value to the world around us through the process.

This is a very condensed "crash course" of one of the most profound books ever written by Napoleon Hill. Hill, was more so known for his book "Think and Grow Rich" but many readers find "Outwitting the Devil" to be far more powerful.

To summarize the book

Napoleon Hill writes about a scenario in which he (as the protagonist) taps into another state of being where he actually has a conversation with the Devil. His goal with this interview is to get the Devil to share with him all the various ways that he leads people astray throughout life.  

What's powerful about this dialogue is that Hill highlights the many ways that one can "drift" off course from the perspective of the Devil himself, rather than lecturing the reader on the right way to behave. The second, and maybe more noteworthy details is that this book was written in 1938, but wasn't published until 2011 because Hills wife and peers were worried about controversy and backlash from organized religious groups.

Before moving forward it is worth mentioning how Napoleon Hill reached this state. In the preface of the book Hill talks about tapping into "his other self" after hitting rock bottom. The other self is the inner voice that we all have, our conscience, or higher self. It seems as though most people only truly start listening to their other self after hitting a rock bottom point in their own life. For it is when you have no other option but to have faith that you clear all doubt from your mind and choose to listen to your other self. 

How the Devil controls the majority of the population

  1. Habit of Drifting

                A drifter simply put is someone that doesn’t think for himself, someone who takes whatever life throws at them. One that is too lazy to use his own brain. Someone the Devil can easily takeover and influence.

                The Devil states that 98% of the population are “drifters” wandering through life aimlessly, stuck within the web of fear spun by the Devil. 

                        They are set into drifting because the Devil consists of negative energy living in the minds of people who fear him.

                        He occupies one half of every atom of physical matter and unit of physical and mental energy. 

                The Devil traps people through entering the mind in the form of negative thoughts which carry low frequency energies like lust, envy, greed, sloth and fear. Entering their mind and influencing their rhythm. 

                The Devil preys on the youth by confusing their minds and planting fear early on. Over parenting your child makes them easy prey.

  1. Law of hypnotic rhythm though which all habits are made permanent 

                Nature uses hypnotic rhythm by maintaining perfect balance throughout the universe, think of sacred geometry, the alignment of the solar system, how a things are predictable.

                What Hill describes as the law of human nature that solidifies our habits and makes them permanent. Things we do that we don't even think about, the actions built into our existence such as the earth orbiting the sun.

                The same law that holds everything in-place is the one that the Devil uses to control the masses. 

                This is also compared to muscle memory; think of a musician that learns a song in their mind first but after practice can play it without any mental effort at all.

                Those who control their minds fall out of the Devils grasp. Those who don’t will naturally fall into the Devils hypnotic rhythm.

                Fear and more specifically fear of death is the biggest tool the Devil uses to stop people from thinking, setting them into hypnotic rhythm.

  1. Element of time Time

                The Devil uses time to his advantage stating that time is the law of hypnotic rhythm.

                The laps of time required to give permanency to thought habits depends upon the object and the nature of the thoughts.

                Time divides all thought habits into two categories:

                        Negative thoughts.

                        Positive thoughts.

                If dominating thoughts overtime are negative they are solidified through the law of hypnotic rhythm.

The 7 keys to Outwitting the Devil

  1. Acting with definiteness of purpose

                Arguably the most important key.

                        Intention; act with a clear intention and zero doubt at all times.

  1. Self-discipline

                Mastering earthly impulses like lust for sex, overindulgence of food, and very importantly the the urge to give out unwanted opinions.

  1. Never quit in the face of failure or adversity

                Adversity brings the seed of unborn opportunities and lets us get in-touch with our other selves.

                Failure is a state of mind that you can learn to control.

  1. Controlling environmental influences 

                Dominating environmental thoughts win so you must be more positive.

                You can choose to be a victim of circumstance or the creator of your reality. 

                There can be no idleness in the mind, so fill your time wisely. Idle time is filled with negative thoughts.

  1. Time 

                Give permanency to positive rather than negative thought habits.

                Work to develop wisdom, which should not be confused with knowledge. 

  1. Harmony

                Act with definiteness of purpose to become the dominating influence in your own mental, physical, and spiritual environment.

  1. Lack of caution

                Learn to say no to others, yourself, and your lesser self's negative thinking patterns.

                Think before you act on your plans.

In conclusion

Many people today have a victim mentality which they use as an excuse to not take responsibility for their own lives. Like all of us, Napoleon Hill lived in a political environment that affected everyone. We often think of ourselves as victims of the the media or political system or other dominating outside forces. Hill is showing us how to rise above victimhood, another of the Devils tools, and take responsibility for all our choices.

Was the interview with the Devil real? It was to Hill, and it shaped the framework of how he lived his life. The Void encourages you to read Outwitting the Devil and decide for your self.

This book is indeed worthy of serious analysis through careful reading.

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